Lost a Pet? Found a Pet?

posted: by: Dawn, RVT Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

Pets easily slip out the door, jump out the window, escape the yard, or pull the leash out of their owner's hands.  It only takes a moment for pets to become lost.  Here are a few things we suggest if you've lost or found a pet.


1) Alert Neighbors-give description & your contact information in case pet is seen.

2) Call area VETERINARIANS & SHELTERS-again, give description & contact information

3) Post an ad on Pet FBI & Craig's List

4) Post signs in neighborhood & at local veterinarian clinics


1) If approachable, check to see if pet is wearing a collar and tags.  If you can handle the pet, take it to a veterinarian or shelter to be scanned for a microchip.

2) Call area VETERINARIANS & SHELTERS with description of pet & location of where pet was found/seen.  Give your contact information.

3) Check Lost & Found on Pet FBI & Craig's List.  Post an ad about the pet.

4) Decide what you will do with the pet-can you house it until an owner is found?  If not, take it to a local shelter.  Be sure to let shelters & veterinarians know where pet is going/has gone so they can direct the owner on where to find the pet.

5) If the pet is not approachable, alert local animal control officers.

Hopefully these tips will help owners be reunited with their pets.  Please be sure your pet is MICROCHIPPED & your address & phone numbers are current with the microchip company.  This will increase the chances that if your pet is found, you two will be reunited.