Take Care of Those Teeth @ Home!

posted: by: Dawn, RVT Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

So....your pet doesn't like having his or her teeth brushed.  Or it's just too difficult to fit into your schedule.  That's okay!  We have other options for you!  We have something for every pet.

The next best option for home dental care is Hill's Prescription Diet T/D.  While designed to be a complete diet, pets will still benefit from using T/D as a daily snack.  T/D kibbles are larger than regular food pieces and are made to help remove plaque and tarter as your pet chews.  Eating dry food can help the teeth, but it's not enough.  T/D, being larger pieces for formulated for dental health, is a better option.  Suburban Animal Clinic offers small snack size bags of T/D, or you may purchase 5lb bags.  A few pieces of T/D each day in place of other treats will certainly help your pets teeth!

We also have Dentahex, an oral rinse for pets.  This can be used once or twice weekly to help keep your pet's teeth clean.  Simply apply Dentahex to a quaze square or q-tip and gently rub your pet's teeth along the gumline.

Oravet is a barrier sealant that helps slow the buildup of plaque and tartar.  When your pet is at Suburban for a professional dental cleaning, the technician will apply oravet.  At home, Oravet should be applied once a week.  Using the applicator provided or your finger, rub the gel on the outside of your pet's teeth.  It's as simple as that!

We also recommend C.E.T. Enzymatic Oral Hygiene Chews (dogs and cats) & C.E.T. VeggieDent Tart Control Chews (dogs only).  The Enzymatic chews contain a natural antiseptic for the teeth.  Both chews are designed so that when the pet chews them, they help to clean the teeth.  Both are available at Suburban.

Aquadent is a water additive that can help prevent plaque buildup and freshen the breath.  While the above items do a better job, this is a good option for the pet who doesn't like his/her mouth messed with and doesn't like the chews.

There are various toys and treats also available in pet stores that are said to help with teeth and gums.  As with any toy or treat, they should be used under supervision.  Toys and chews should be thrown away when pets begin getting pieces off of them or they become too small for your pet.  It is recommended to look for products with the VOHC (Veterinary Oral Health Council) seal.   This is awarded to products that adhere to their strict guidlines for the aid of plaque and tartar control in pets.

Please ask a staff member for assistance in choosing a product or home care method that is right for you and or pet.  Remember, all pets will need a professional dental cleaning in their lifetime.  Many will need it several times.  Home dental care, even once or twice weekly, will help prolong the need for a dental cleaning and help your pet's health overall.

Don't forget to take advantage of Suburan Animal Clinic's $15 off a dental cleaning through the end of March!  Come in for your dental cleaning and ask us about a FREE sample of Oravet!