Don't Forget!!

posted: by: Dawn, RVT Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

As summer's end nears, many families are planning one last vacation before the kids go back to school.  This means that pet owners will be looking for pet sitters and places to board their pets.  Here're a few important things to remember when planning for your pet while you're on vacation.

1) Call ahead early for boarding reservations or to secure a pet sitter.  Kennels fill quickly, especially for larger pets.

2) Make sure you leave accurate emergency numbers in case something happens.  Talk with your veterinarian and let them know who is caring for your pet in case your pet needs veterinary care while you are away.

3) Make sure your pet is current on vaccinations 30 days prior to boarding.  Vaccinating your pet the day of boarding does not allow your pet's immune system time to form antibodies against those diseases.  If you board your pet, be sure to ask when you make reservations what vaccines that kennel requires.  Everyone has different requirements and your pet may need additional boosters.


          - Many pet owners begin to get lax this time of year.  It is very easy for people & pets to carry fleas.  It takes only 1 small flea to create a huge flea problem.  If your pet is coming due for a dose of flea prevention during or just after boarding, it is OK to apply it a few days early.  Suburban Animal Clinic recommends Advantage, Advantix, Advantage Multi** and Trifexis**.

        - Heartworm prevention has 2 jobs-prevent heartworm disease, and also to deworm your pet against common parasites such as roundworms & hookworms.  These parasites are not easily seen but are easily passed to other pets and even to humans!  Make sure you keep your pet on Heartworm prevention for everyone's protection.

4 things before your pet boards/has a pet sitter: Early Reservations, Emergency Numbers, Vaccinations, and Heartworm/Flea Prevention.  Please call us at 614-276-5479 for client-based boarding recommendations and to make sure your pet is current on vaccines and heatworm/flea prevention.  REMEMBER to take advantage of our SPECIALS! Advantix, Advantage, and Advantage Multi are BUY 6 GET 2 FREE!!!  Trifexis currently has $10 & $20 rebates (for 6 & 12 packs respectively), and Heartgard offers a $12 rebate with a 12pk purchased.

**Advantage Multi & Trifexis are prescription only products as they also contain heartworm medication.  These are available ONLY through your veterinarian.