Heartworm, Fleas, Ticks...Prevent the Bugs!

posted: by: Dawn, RVT Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

You want to do what's best for your pet in terms of preventing deadly diseases such as Heartworm disease.  You want to prevent parasites such as intestinal worms, fleas, and ticks from harming your pet.  You see all of those products that say they do this or that....it can be confusing!  So what product(s) does your pet really need?

First of all, all dogs and cats should be on a Heartworm Preventative.  There are several products available through your veterinarian that will prevent heartworm disease.  Many will also help prevent intestinal parasites.  Some also prevent fleas.

Whoa!  So how do you choose?

Consider this question: Does your dog have a tick risk?  By this we mean does your dog visit the woods or large grassy areas (other than your fenced-in yard)?  Do you visit the local metro parks (which are full of ticks)?  Do you have a lot of wild animals that live nearby and could visit your yard?  Do you live in the city, but visit woody areas often?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then your dog really should have a tick preventative.  Knowing this can help your veterinarian assist you in selecting the best products for your pet (and your wallet!).

Second point to consider is if your pet will easily eat an oral medication once a month, or if you'd prefer a topical.  Many pet owners don't like the idea of putting topicals on their pets (although topical tick preventions do offer some repellency, which orals do not).  Then there are the stubborn pets who won't eat the oral medication.  This can also help you and your veterinarian determine the best product(s) for your pet.

Suburban Animal Clinic recommends the following products:

Heartgard* (dogs only @ Suburban, is available for cats): Oral: Heartworm, Intestinal Parasite

Revolution* (cats only @ Suburban, is available for dogs): Topical: Heartworm, Flea, Intestinal Parasite (cats only for parasites)

Advantage Multi* (dogs, is available for cats): Topical: Heartworm, Flea, Intestinal Parasite

Trifexis* (dogs only): Oral: Heartworm, Flea, Intestinal Parasite

Vectra 3D* (dogs only): Topical: Flea, Tick

NexGard* (dogs only): Oral: Flea, Tick

Seresto (dogs & cats): Collar: Flea, Tick (lasts up to 8 months!)

Advantix (dogs only): Topical: Flea, Tick

Advantage (dogs only @ Suburban, is available for cats): Topical: Flea

Frontline plus (cats only @ Suburban, is available for dogs): Topical: Flea, Tick

*Prescription Only

What a list!  These are products that Suburban currently carries.  All are to be given monthly except for the Seresto Flea and Tick collar, which is good for up to 8 months (dogs that swim frequently will shorten the collar's length of effectiveness).

Now, what are the current specials on these products?

Heartgard 12 pack = $12 Rebate (Suburban staff will submit for you!)

Nexgard 6 pack = 1 dose Free

Heartgard 12 pack + Nexgard 6 pack = $50 rebate (Suburban staff will submit for you!  Cannot be used with the $12 rebate)

Heartgard 6 pack + Nexgard 6 pack = $25 rebate (Suburban staff will submit for you!)

Trifexis 12 pack = $35 rebate

Trifexis 6 pack = $15 rebate

Seresto Collar = $15 rebate

Vectra 3D 6 pack = 3 doses free via rebate

Revolution 6 pack = 2 doses Free

Advantix, Advantage, Advantage Multi 6 pack = 2 doses Free

Advantage Multi 6 pack + Seresto Collar = $50 rebate

Frontline Plus 6 pack = 2 doses Free

Lots of specials!  These specials are available only when the product is purchased through a licensed veterinarian.  Products that are over the counter and purchased through an online pharmacy or the pet store are not eligible for the rebates and free doses.

Suburban Animal Clinic and the American Heartworm Association recommend heartworm prevention year-round for dogs and cats.  Flea prevention should be given at least April-December, although year-round is certainly a good idea, especially if your pets visit the kennel or the groomer.  Tick prevention in central Ohio is recommended April-October/November.

So the next time you need more heartworm prevention or flea/tick prevention, ask yourself what your tick risk is, and if you'd prefer an oral or topical product.  Then chat with a staff member about the best product or combination of products for you and your pet.

Suburban Animal Clinic is located in West Columbus off I-70 near I-270.  Suburban Animal Clinic serves Galloway, Hilltop, West Side, Georgesville, West Jefferson, Grove City, Grandview, Upper Arlington (including OSU Campus area), Hilliard and Dublin.

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