National Puppy Day!

posted: by: Dawn, RVT Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

Today is National Puppy Day!  Who doesn't love a cute, cuddly puppy and their antics?

Many people fall in love with puppies and let them do as they please, not thinking about how that puppy will behave when they grow up.  Raising a puppy is much like rasing a child.  The earlier the behavior training begins, the better the puppy will behave.  What may be cute and funny as a puppy may not be cute and funny as the dog gets older.  Waiting to begin training later in life means having to undo all the bad habits and behaviors they have already learned.

It is recommended that all puppies participate in a Puppy Kindergartin.  Puppies can start as early as 7-8 weeks in a puppy class learning sit, down, come, as well as being socialized with other people and dogs.  Suburban Animal Clinic is pleased to offer a basic puppy class for puppies ages 8-16 weeks.  Classes are held at the clinic one evening a week for 5 weeks and are taught by two of our registered veterinary technicians.  Added benefits of puppy class here at Suburban include a fun experience for the puppies at 'the vet,' as well as discussion topics such as nutrition, spaying/neutering, dental care, and more.  Please note our classes are dependent upon the number of participants to gain the most from the socialization aspect.

If puppy class at Suburban doesn't work for you (either not currently offered or scheduling conflicts), here are a few other places that do offer puppy classes:

- Capital Area Humane Society:

- Dog Talk:

- Pet Smart:

- Columbus All Breed:

All puppy class participants are encouraged to go on to the next level and take part in a beginner or intermediate class.  Besides puppy classes, many places also offer beginner and intermediate classes for older dogs.  It's never too late to take your dog to an obedience class!  Proper training, socialization and discipline make for an excellant canine citizen.  Celebrate National Puppy Day today and find a training class for your puppy or adult dog!