Parasites Part 2-Ectoparasites

posted: by: Dawn, RVT Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

Parasites are more than just intestinal parasites, or stomach worms.  Parasites can also be on the outside of the body (ectoparasites).  Below are some common ectoparasites.

Fleas: These tiny insects can be found any time of the year, inside or outside, and will feed on animals and humans.  They leave behind '˜flea dirt' (flea feces) that turns red when it gets wet.

Fleas lay thousands of eggs in the environment, especially carpet and bedding.  All pets in the home should be treated with monthly flea prevention.  When fleas are found, the home and yard often need treated as well.  In just 30 days, 25 female fleas can multiply to more than 250,000.

Fleas can cause a variety of problems such as skin infections, anemia, tapeworms and blood infections.  Many pet owners don't see the fleas or claim they are not getting bit.  Fleas prefer dogs and cats, but can feed on people.  Fleas can and will ride inside on people and pets.  If you see one flea, there are probably at least 10 more that you don't see.  Cats are very meticulous groomers and will often groom the fleas off themselves (in other words, eat them).

All dogs and cats, even inside cats, should be on a veterinarian recommended flea prevention (Advantage, Advantix, Frontline Plus, Comfortis, or heartworm/flea combination).

Ticks: Ticks are common in the Midwest in spring and summer in grassy meadows and wooded areas.  Ticks attach to their host (person or animal) to get their blood meal.  By attaching and feeding on the blood, they can spread a variety of diseases such as Lyme disease, Ehrlichia, Anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and more.

The rates of these diseases are rising, both in pets and in people.  Check yourself and pets after each outing, especially after time in the woods and grass.  Check legs, belly and face of pets as these are places ticks like to hide.  Carefully remove any ticks and wash area with soap and water.

Consider using tick prevention if you visit the woods and grassy areas often.

Ear Mites: Ear mites are tiny, almost microscopic mites that live in the ears.  Dogs rarely get ear mites, however they are not uncommon in cats, especially strays or those living outside.  Ear mites can travel from pet to pet.

Ear mites cause intense itching in the ears and leave behind a dark, dry debris. Left untreated, the debris can remain packed in the ear canal and cause damage.  Treatment usually consists of one dose of prescription ear mite treatment.  Several prescription heartworm/flea medications for cats also treat ear mites.

Demodectic Mange: This microscopic mite is normally present in hair follicles in small numbers.  Young dogs, or dogs who are immune suppressed, may have many more mites who cause skin irritation and infections. 

Areas with mange are usually hairless and red.  These areas may be any size and may occur anywhere on the body.  These areas may also have a foul odor.  A skin scraping can diagnose demodectic mange.

Treatment consists of special shampoos, antibiotics for infected areas, and sometimes an oral medication.  Progress exams will help determine the length of time the dog will need treatment.

Sarcoptic Mange: Also known as Scabies, this type of mange is contagious to humans.  Mites live under the skin and can cause bacterial skin infections along with intense itching and hair loss.  Diagnosis and treatment are similar to Demodectic Mange above.

Nobody likes thinking about tiny, sometimes microscopic ectoparasites.  Or jumping fleas.  Or attached ticks!  But the fact of living with pets is dealing with these parasites and learning how to keep them to a minimum...or preventing them altogether!!  Talk to a Suburban staff member today about protecting your pets and your family from ectoparasites.

Suburban Animal Clinic is located in West Columbus off I-70 near I-270.  Suburban Animal Clinic serves Galloway, Hilltop, West Side, Georgesville, West Jefferson, Grove CityGrandviewUpper Arlington (including OSU Campus area), Hilliard and Dublin.

#parasites #ectoparasites #earmites #fleas #ticks #mange #mites