Pets & Back-to-School

posted: by: Dawn, RVT Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

As summer draws to a close, kids are returning to school and some parents, off for the summer with their children, may be returning to work.  The daily routines change to accommodate new school and work schedules.  And let’s not forget the after school activities!  But what about your pets?


When your schedule or routine changes, so does your pets’ routine.  Suddenly meal times may be different, your pet is left alone for longer periods of time, and play time or ‘pet time’ is compromised by homework or other various activities.  So what do you do?


Pets are important members of our families, and still need love, attention, and exercise.  When routines change or ‘pet time’ gets overlooked, one of two things could happen.  Your pet may become lazy, which leads to weight gain.  Or your pet may become bored, and having no other outlet for the stored energy, may get into trouble.  This could mean just being hyper in the house or it could lead to chewing furniture destroying other items.


Here are a few ideas for getting your pets the exercise & attention they need during your busy day:


-         Schedule 5-10 minutes once or twice a day to spend with your pet.  This can be cuddling, grooming or playing.  If you have a dog, spend this time taking a quick walk around the block-this is good exercise for both your dog and you!

-         Ask a friend or neighbor who’s home during the day to come over and spend a few minutes with your pets.  This would be great for dogs with high energy levels to get outside for a few minutes in the middle of the day.

-         Take your dog to doggie daycare a few days a week.  This is a great outlet for pent-up energy as the dogs get to run and play.

-         Spend extra time with your pets on the weekends.  If your kids have a ball game, take the dog with you (where appropriate).  Going for a hike?  Take your dog!


Remember, if you have caged pets (ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, etc.) they need time out of the cage, too.  They need that exercise and attention from you just like dogs and cats.


Exercise and attention is good for your pets, and good for you as well!